Questions from the Public - FY25 Budget
Community Questions and District Answers
Please complete this form with your questions about the FY25 Proposed Budget. Responses will be posted in the space below within 24 - 48 hours.
Why have the federal and state grants been reduced to almost half?
The BUUSD was awarded several million dollars ($16,000,000+) due to COVID-19. For details, visit our LEA Plan outlining the investments made with these funds. The period of performance for this funding ends September 30, 2024. Going forward, we will not have COVID-19 funds and that is why grant funding decreased.
What specific measures are being taken to address the discrepancies between budgeted and actual expenditures from previous years?
During the budget development process, the superintendent and business manager work with administrators and directors to identify variances. Understanding why the variance occurs is the first step to modifying the budget line to meet the needs of the students and staff more appropriately.
What's the plan to avoid overspending in the future?
Administrators and directors have access to expense reports and will be reviewing them with the superintendent and business manager on a consistent schedule.
How does the district prioritize spending on administrative salaries versus direct classroom support?
Administrators receive the same increase that other school employees receive. The BUUSD pays an average salary to it's administrators however, the district is one of the largest. Recruiting and retaining experienced administration is essential to successful schools and outcomes.
Can we spend less on admin fees and more on things that help students?
We are not sure how you define admin fees, it is our job to provide high-quality and relevant learning opportunities to our students.
How will future budgets make sure that more money goes to help students and teachers, instead of growing administrative costs?
The superintendent is eager to analyze the hiring and spending patterns and to make recommendations.
How are budget cuts or reallocations impacting classroom resources and student learning experiences?
Reductions in field trips, supplies, books, contracted services, travel and conference, course reimbursement, behavior supports, etc. will need to be carefully monitored to determine if resources are adequate moving into FY26 budget development.
What's the long-term plan to handle rising costs while still improving education, especially in areas like technology and special education?
The district's strategic plan expired in June 2024. It is time to develop another 5 - 7 year plan to address quality and cost efficiency.
What is the long-term plan for balancing rising costs with the need to improve educational quality, particularly in technology integration and special education?
The district's strategic plan expired in June 2024. It is time to develop another 5 - 7 year plan to address quality and cost efficiency.
What specific programs or services are being cut from the budget?
Over $2 million dollars in reductions have been made to the originally proposed budget. Some items are supplies, books, travel and conferences, student tuition, facility supplies and utilities, technology equipment, and staff.
How will these cuts affect student learning and overall school operations?
The superintendent will be observing how these cuts impact the school community and based on this observation, recommendations will be made in FY26 budget development cycle.
Were alternative solutions considered before deciding on these cuts?
Balancing the needs of students/staff and taxpayers is challenging and requires difficult decisions to be made. Prioritizing the items that would have the least impact was necessary to pass a budget.
How will the district support students and staff affected by these cuts?
The superintendent along with the administrators will monitor student performance and communicate with teachers to identify areas that are in need of additional supports/resources.
How will the district communicate these changes to the community and ensure transparency?
Through budget development, the superintendent will work closely with the administration to identify areas that need additional resources and supports. To improve transparency we make our school board meetings accessible, use our website and other social media. We need to improve our community engagement approaches.
What professional development opportunities are available for teachers, and how are these being funded in the current budget?
In the Collective Bargaining Agreement, teachers can use their course reimbursement funds. The superintendent will be analyzing how we provide professional development to all staff to do the work for which they are hired. We provide some in-service time for professional learning and we have online resources for learning as well. Our professional development is funded through grants and also some local funds.
How does the district plan to maintain or improve educational outcomes in the face of budget cuts or reallocations?
Through data collection and analysis. The School Board will also be developing a new Strategic Plan which will help us prioritize our teaching and learning initiatives.
How will the district ensure that rising property taxes do not place an undue burden on residents, especially with the ongoing budget increases?
The superintendent is eager to analyze the hiring and spending patterns and to make recommendations.
Are there plans to seek alternative revenue sources to reduce reliance on property taxes?
We are always looking to grants to support our programs. Unfortunately, one of the cuts reduced our grant coordinator position so we will have limited resources to seek other revenues.
What efforts are being made to minimize the tax burden on residents, especially in light of budget increases?
The district's tax rate in vote #4 is one of the lowest in the state.
How does the district justify the current tax rate in relation to the outcomes achieved and services provided?
The district's tax rate in vote #4 is one of the lowest in the state.
What impact will the reduction in grants have on local taxes, and how will the district address this?
The district has worked hard to minimize the impact on the tax rate by eliminating some of the positions that were funded with ESSER grants. The district invested in HVAC improvements and mandatory sprinkler installment which was a huge benefit to the taxpayers as they won't have to contribute to these through a bond or loan.
How does the district plan to maintain or enhance school safety, especially with the current budget constraints?
The district maintained their SROs and added the SHS SRO back into this version. Safety committees in each building are meeting consistently.
How does the budget support inclusive practices and ensure that students with disabilities have access to the same opportunities as their peers?
The budget will support all IEP supports and services. Inclusive practices need to be analyzed and improved upon data and information gathering. The superintendent is confident that with a new Director of Special Education, this will be looked at with a new lens.
How does the budget address the need to comply with IEPs, especially in cases where additional resources or services are required?
The budget will support all IEP supports and services. Inclusive practices need to be analyzed and improved upon data and information gathering. The superintendent is confident that with a new Director of Special Education, this will be looked at with a new lens.
How are parents and the community involved in the budgeting process for special education, and how is their feedback incorporated?
Parents provide feedback on the IEP teams. The special education program is complex and requires a deep understanding of disabilities, appropriate services, legal processes and funding. We are not sure how the general public can be involved in this process.
Do you understand the importance of the CARES program? It's the only way some children can learn, and the only way others can go to school without being assaulted by their peers. It's a safety need.
YES, we do understand the importance of the CARES program. We have not eliminated it. In fact, if the budget passes we will be hiring additional staff.
Can you identify specific sections in the budget that outline how communication issues between special education parents and administrators will be addressed and improved?
Communication is a human process not a budgeting process. We hope to improve the communication between special education parents and staff through face to face communication and partnerships.
Why are unfilled positions, particularly para professional positions, (some required for special education students to access their education) being cut from the budget?
All unfilled positions that are reflected in student IEP's will be filled as soon as possible. There are several positions that will not be filled because of the change in student enrollment or need.
How is the district actively seeking and incorporating community feedback in the budget planning process?
The BUUSD's Community Engagement Plan goals are to reach stakeholders within the community to provide timely, accurate information about the budget, allow multiple ways for the public to ask questions, and create outreach that is personal and effective. Plans to connect with stakeholders include being present at community and district events, and providing up-to-date information on social media platforms, the district website, and mailings.
How is the school using feedback from the community when planning the budget?
Through implementation of the BUUSD's Community Engagement Plan, the district will receive feedback from community members. The BUUSD will then use this feedback to understand and respond to community concerns and priorities, while balancing state and federal requirements, available funds, and opportunities to make necessary adjustments within the budget.
How will the school communicate budget decisions better, so everyone understands and supports them? What strategies are in place to improve transparency and communication about budget decisions with the community?
The BUUSD aims to provide budget communications earlier and more frequently, along with clear, straightforward data and pertinent information. The BUUSD will also offer and seek opportunities to engage with community members on a regular basis, with as many in-person interactions as possible. Communication will take place through a variety of sources, including the BUUSD website, social media, front porch forum, mailings (when pertinent), and answering questions in person, through email, or over the phone. The BUUSD also hopes to provide Q & A opportunities, similar to this forum, with the goal of providing up-front and clear communication to present our current efforts and future plans.
What’s the school doing to make sure everyone knows how the $57 million budget is being spent?
The BUUSD budget page ( has been kept up-to-date with information about each proposed version of the budget. Information shared includes a budget summary, expenses and revenue, and a detailed report including each line item for the proposed budget. This same information is available in board packets for specific board meetings. Packets can be reviewed at
In addition to the items already mentioned, the BUUSD budget page also includes a slideshow with details about the proposed budget, informational videos explaining education finance terminology, as well as charts indicating how the budget will affect taxpayers, and resources to calculate tax credits.
A summary of this information is being shared through flyers handed out at meet and greets, and community events, and will be mailed out to Barre residents in early September. These pieces include details about where to find more specific details.
What specific channels are available for community members to provide input on important decisions?
Community members are welcome to attend district events, board meetings, contact board members, send an email to the district (, or reach out to the superintendent.
What steps are being taken to improve the district’s engagement with parents, teachers, and students in shaping long-term goals?
The BUUSD sees parents, teachers, students, and the Barre Community as partners working towards the same goal of a rock solid future for our students. Our kids, our future. The BUUSD Community Engagement Plan identifies opportunities to be present within the Barre Community, offering opportunities for interaction and open communication with all stakeholders. We need to see community engagement as a year long plan not just for the budget building purposes. This is usually part of a strategic plan discussion. The School Board's Strategic Plan expired in June 2024. We need to develop a new 5-7 year plan.
What specific methods and data sources does the district use to project grants and revenue figures?
Grants funds are allocated in different ways. Some are recurring grants that come to us as part of state or federal requirements. Other grants are competitive and we apply when they are aligned to our priorities.
What specific grants does the district currently utilize, and what are their intended purposes?
The district currently has access to Consolidated Federal Programs (Title Grants), IDEA-B, as well as other state/local grants which are used primarily to fund staff.
How are these grants directly impacting student learning outcomes, such as math and literacy scores?
Some of our grants fund staff, professional development and consulting services that intended to improve student learning.
What contingency plans are in place if key grants are reduced or lost?
We are always on the lookout for other grants. Unfortunately, we do not always qualify for the competitive grants that we apply for.
Can the district provide examples of successful grant-funded initiatives and their results?
The Superintendent and Director of Curriculum are new and are just becoming familiar with the district initiatives. However, some examples might be eco partnership with North Branch Nature Center. It provides outdoor education for our staff to maximize the use of our outdoor classrooms for students. Several curriculum programs were purchased that support literacy and math such as Framing your Thoughts, a writing program, and Fundations, for literacy and Illustrative Math.
With less money coming in from grants (42% less), how will the school district make sure we don't lose important programs and services?
The reduction in grants reflects the sunsetting ESSER funds. The district knew these were temporary and primarily invested in one-time building initiatives.
How will the school make sure teachers are paid fairly compared to administrators?
This happens during contract negotiations with the teachers. The negotiated agreement is the end result of discussions with members of the School Board and the Teacher's/support staff Association.
Can you explain why administrative positions have seen raises up to 25% over two years, while teacher raises have been limited to 3% per year?
The teachers last negotiated contract provided the following increases, FY24 7%, FY25 5.1%, FY26 5%. Principals were placed on a salary index in FY23 and some received more than others. Directors have received the same as all others with 3% or 5%.
What is the school doing to improve math and reading scores, and how will they make sure these plans work?
Each school has a Continuous Improvement Plan with specific goals in literacy and math. This plan addresses strategies that are geared towards improving learning outcomes. These plans will be visible on the district website shortly.
What role does community feedback play in shaping the district’s long-term educational goals?
The community will be involved in the next creation of the multi year strategic plan that will be used to set goals.
How frequently will the district update the community on the progress and results of the implemented plans?
The timeline for monitoring the strategic plan will be part of the plan.
How is the district planning to improve student support services, especially in areas like mental health and special education?
This year we will be conducting a needs assessment in the area of social emotional learning. The results will be used to prioritize areas of need to improve in our support to students.
What partnerships or collaborations is the district pursuing to support student mental health and safety?
This year we will be working more closely with Washington County Mental Health, DCF and the Agency of Education partners in grant funded activities to improve the mental health training for staff and services for students.
What steps are being taken to train staff on identifying and responding to mental health issues in students?
The needs assessment is our first step, review of job descriptions for everyone who works in our behavior programs, and then a professional development plan for staff will be implemented.
What’s being done to keep schools safe and supportive, especially with more students needing help with their mental health?
Each school has an Emergency Operating Procedures/Plan. We have had a school safety building audit that has resulted in building improvements and we have building and district teams that monitor the practice drills we are required to implement.
What is our current projection for the FY24 surplus?
The unaudited surplus is $737,291.
Why did the district not disclose that it expected to receive a million dollars more than budgeted for special education reimbursement in FY24 when it had already received $1.1M more than budget for FY23 and projected $2.2M more than budget for FY25?
Please review the finance committee meeting minutes and agendas to see that the budget projections throughout FY24 indicated we would be receiving more revenue than expected.
- Where can I vote?
- What am I voting on?
- How does this impact my tax bill?